
she hears the call, of battle cry,
and fear within, she does not deny,
for she knows, what she must do,
to protect her people, and see them through.

golmore's berserker.


  • hey these are gonna be ur typical rules. if you've read them on one carrd you've read them all.

  • please keep ic and ooc separate. you'd think i wouldn't have to ask this, but here we are.

  • i do not erp, so please do not approach if that is the only thing you're seeking!

  • i'm cool sharing discords after a scene if ur wanting to plan more rp. just don't take it as an opportunity to be a creep.

  • please don't ask me for moon horse when we've just met and started rping! ty!

  • i am aware the information given on this carrd is minimal! that is by design, as i prefer people to learn about this character organically through rp!

hi. i'm king. i've been rping for far too long. ffxiv is the first game i've ever rp'd on, however!i've got a handful of characters that i rp on, so you may not always see me on artemis. but she's my main, so -- there's obvious favoritism lol.i can be found on at sporadic times; but can usually be found rping from like 5pm CST and onwards.


through battles fought, and wounds sustained, the warrior endures, through the pain,
for she knows, that with each passing day, her perseverance, will pave the way.

ásta blær brazen oak. 237. female.
she / her.

  height.     six fulms nine ilms.
  hair color.   ivory; hints of silvery white.
  eye color.     warm brow.
  notable features.   coated in freckles from head to toe. multiple scars lacing her body. a scar running from the left side of her chin to her cheekbone. black stripe tattoos wrapping her right arm, her left arm from shoulder to fingertip replaced with a prosthetic.

  job occupation.    smithy
  place of origin.    golmore jungle, dalmasca.
  home.     the black shroud.
  affiliation.     griffon's steel, the immortal flames.
  family.     mother, father, brother, and sisters within golmore. mother of four. widowed.

  personality.  with such a behemoth of a viera, one would expect loud and boisterous. but that would be the furthest from the truth.dour, calm, willful, and one could almost say gruff. she's an old woman, and she acts the part. people who know her often compare here to a solid wall of ice and chill -- but that isn't often the case. she's guarded; careful, even. not quick to jump and allow others in. but when a bond is formed, she is warm. inviting. viciously protective. and to the younger folk, almost motherly.she cares, though she struggles to show it. softer emotions are not her strong suit. she'll show it in small gestures. offering one food/drink, idle touches if allowed; perhaps even a small smile.

her long past is shrouded in mystery, as she would prefer it to be. she carries a great, heavy shame upon her shoulders and only those closest know even the whispers of it.and so her known story begins as she arrives in ul'dah some thirty years ago. a fiery, angry, and bullheaded woman. a scrappy thing that would often choose bite over bark if one looked at her the wrong way. eventually it caught up to her -- forced to either serve time or enlist with the flames. and so... with the flames she went.she served until carteneau -- taking a grievous injury and being forced to retire early. now a tired veteran and a diligent smith; she spends her time with prosthetics, tending to her garden, and accompanying those who need protection.

  •   flames.   if one was enlisted in the flames in the last 30 years, one could have known flame sergeant first class oak. were you in her platoon? were they deployed together?

  •   metal work.   oak owns her own smithy. griffon's steel; a small business known mostly for their prosthetic metal crafts. the rava herself crafter the prosthetics, and an unnamed business partner fiddling with the tech. have you received a prosthetic from her? perhaps you supply the metals or tech she needs?

  •   herbalism.   she has a hobby in collecting and nurturing plants. her home often having flourishing gardens inside and outside. do you supply her clippings? do you have any interesting plants she's never seen?